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How to dim text in PowerPoint to create stunning effects


Check the PowerPoint font menu to see if a given text box uses a theme font. Theme fonts are listed in the separate Theme Fonts section of the menu, and (Headings) or (Body) is appended to the font name.

How to dim text in PowerPoint presentations

Insert a text box with sample text into the original presentation. Copy it and paste it into the destination presentation. From the smart tag that appears after pasting, you can choose the following options:

  • Office 2007 and later: The pasted text box has a font size that is retrieved from the default PowerPoint text style of the destination presentation. This default text style's formatting options are not the same as for the Default Text Box and Default Shape

  • the Master Text Style in the Text Placeholder on the Slide Master.

Solutions if copying between outdated ppt and modern pptx files has unexpected results Paste Option: 'Keep Source Formatting'Office 2007: Update to Office 2010 or later. Microsoft does not publish fixes for Office 2007 any more (except for security updates). Many issues remain which are fixed only in more recent versions.

Office 2007 and later: The font size is determined by the default PowerPoint text style, which, to our knowledge and according to the information we received from Microsoft, cannot be accessed in the PowerPoint user interface. However, you can use VBA macros to display and change the font size of all indent levels of the default text style in the destination file.

On occasions I have to create a large number of photo sheets for inclusion in a report. That is, a page with one or two photos and a description. Using a list in an excel spreadsheet that gives the file name for the photo and a description I written a macro to generate a powerpoint presentation that can be saved as a pdf or printed out. Any changes to photo or description are simple to do in the list.

I have a few large presentations (300 slides). My approach was to make a chart for every possible permutation, then link them all into PowerPoint. The powerPoint works like a website, so the user can click around to get to the chart they are interested in within 1-2 clicks.

Then in PowerPoint I link to the image on the file server. The only problem I've noticed is some of the charts have the little red "X" in the corner, but it goes away after a second or two. Though this approach seems to be viable, I am open to other suggestions. I tried the code above, but it doesn't really work for me because I have set slides with set text, I only need to update the chart.

The interesting part of the Project VBA export procedure is the fact that it does not export the Gantt as a picture. It rather creates a project plan in PowerPoint consisting of PPT objects like textboxes, rectangles, triangles and diamonds. You can format, align, rearrange, group and resize them, add annotations, delete single items, etc. in PowerPoint.

Great tip and is very helpful - I have a standard company template and would like to automatically place the graphs and text into this could any one please advise how this can be done with adding to the VBA code supplied.

I need to export a few hundred graphs from excel and put 5 to a page in powerpoint. The graphs need to be a specified size with a black border. Can anyone provide the visual basic code to accomplish this?

Hi. I am working with a project where we create several summary reports and graphs based on a set of Raw data. Up until recently we have been using a manual process to copy paste these in Powerpoint. Could someone tell me how to copy tables and graphs over several worksheets into one powerpoint presentation please? I have tried the Macro for charts and it works great but wondered if someone could show how to make it work for tables and other data on excel.

I am using this code to link charts from excel to powerpoint. But this is inserting charts to last slide.Can anyone suggest me the changes so that i get charts to link with ppt to custom slide number and in mid of some saved template.Thanks in advance.

I have a range of cells (formatted as tables) that need to be copied from a named worksheet (for this post - the worksheet name is 'Summary') and then pasted (with formatting) into an existing powerpoint presentation on a new slide that will allow me to edit. Can the code be modified to accomplish this task and get rid of the error?

I have worked on similar kind of thing, but with PivotTables. When you mention filter I assume it is just a Data > Filter on Excel and not PivotTable filter. You can enter text into shapes (textboxes) using VBA. Below is the code:

The shape number, in this case, 1, will change based on which shape (textbox) you want to enter. Note that to get a shape number of the desired textbox can take some time. You try this on a trial and error method.

Hi. I'm trying to figure out how to do the same thing in the tutorial but with pivot tables. I have a problem selecting and copying/pasting to the powerpoint. Every time I try selecting, I get a runtime error 458. Can you please help? Thank you1

I have a excel sheet named "Graph" containing charts in matrix form30 rows and 5 columns(ie 5 charts in first row, 5 charts in 2nd row and so on).I want to make a powerpoint with 9 charts in each slide(5 charts from first row and remaining 4 charts from 2nd row).Somebody please help me.

I got this to work and it is GREAT but the text boxes for the powerpoint are linked directly to certain cells in excel. Is there a way to add the text to the slides in an easier manner? I want to create a template that any user could add into an excel workbook and it would add text located next to the charts no matter how many slides there were if there is text next to the chart. Or could someone point me in the right direction or website to figure out how to do this? Thank you in advance.

@lonestardave: If you have a textbox/textframe on the slide, then the below code should work (if it is PowerPoint 2007/2010):[CODE]ActiveSlide.Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Test line 1" & vbcr & "Test line 2"[/CODE]

The number 2 in Shapes(2) can change based on the number of objects you placed in the slide. The number 1 can/will be the header of the slide and post that how many ever textboxes/frames you have. You have to check this on trial and error basis.

This has been incredibly useful, I have implemented this in many powerpoints and saved roughly 4 hours a month i reckon. I am not quite done yet though, im using excel 2003 and when i try to resize the pasted image via :

The code written only works if you are on that active sheet. I want to click a macro button to activate the code. A button will be placed on sheet 1 and the charts will be a sheet 16. I want people to click the button an create a powerpoint with the charts on sheet 16.

'Open the default template Set DefaultTemplate = CreateObject("powerpoint.application") DefaultTemplate.Presentations.Open Filename:="C:\Users\cody.jeffries\Documents\Custom Office Templates\xxx.pptx" DefaultTemplate.Visible = True

Hi, is there a way to combine pivot charts from multiple workbooks into one sheet and then automatically create a powerpoint from it? Or let's just say that I have pivot table in different workbook and I want to combine them all to make one powerpoint presentation. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

What I'd like to do is create a powerpoint macro that re-creates a slide graphic (rather than copy-pasting it from a previous presentation). Instead of programming each individual part of the slide graphic, can I "apply" the formatting of one slide to another slide? I'm thinking there must be a way for me to reference another slide in creating a new slide...

I am trying to get this code working with Microsoft Excel 2016.I have updated the reference to new PPT object Library.The code creates a powerpoint but, crashes atAppActivate ("Microsoft PowerPoint") in Sub BuildPPT().

I would like to create a PPT, possibly just one slide where a block of text can slowly be changed one character at a time under the control of a VBA program. Sometimes a character is inserted and sometimes one character is replaced by another. Is this something I can do with VBA and PPT?

No sé como resolver en powerpoint error en presentación Application (unknown member): Invalid request. There is no currently active document window.desde un boton en una diapositiva quiero que vaya a la diapositiva 2 y abra formulario.

Usually, from Excel, we prepare presentations based on charts and interpretation of the charts. So, for this purpose, we have created some simple excel chartsCreated Some Simple Excel ChartsIn Excel, a graph or chart lets us visualize information we've gathered from our data. It allows us to visualize data in easy-to-understand pictorial ways. The following components are required to create charts or graphs in Excel: 1 - Numerical Data, 2 - Data Headings, and 3 - Data in Proper more and interpretations in the same worksheet.

At the moment you want to remember that memory, the brain will have the option to remember it as an image or as a text and, therefore, it will have more chances of recovering it in case one of the two storage modes has been lost.

At this point, simply place the piece of the surfboard over the original photo and classify the three levels: the surfboard, text box and background image, so that the text box is between the two levels of the image.

It may happen that you have to work on business presentations that require a very formal style and this can force you to maintain a much more peaceful and professional tone of voice.

With Essential Presentation, you can add or modify the text in a Presentation. Within the paragraph, textual contents are grouped into one or more child elements as TextParts. Each TextPart represents a region of text with a common set of formatted text. The following code example demonstrates how to add text with different formatting into a single paragraph. 2ff7e9595c


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